Hello and thanks for stopping by.
I'm back to work officially from tomorrow after spending some time with my family over the summer, so I thought I'd drop by and show you a few images of #Moozlehome @Moozlehome products I've been tagged in over the past few weeks before I get stuck into packing you your orders and working on new designs.
It's always a joy to be tagged in your beautiful pictures, I repost and share my favourites so please do keep sharing them for us all to admire :)

Image by @boho.wife featuring my Delilah bedding set, there's still some of this wonderful floral print left available as eco velvet (made with recycled plastic...but really soft and durable) cushions. Sookie always takes the most amazing pictures of her Swedish life and interior style, if you're not following her yet be sure to check out her Instagram account.

Another lovely image of including some of my prints in the home of @tikkieretro
Gerja is a Dutch content creator and has a wonderful eye for mixing colour and pattern.

A host of lovely images to choose from in a sweet carousel of dreamy images featuring the littlest one of @velvetkleurenvintage in her bed decked out with my Jasper print duvet, turmeric moon pillowcase (from the Ferns bedding bundle) and Sunrise printed sheet, Esther is a Dutch mother or 3 (including twins) and blogs about her life, fashion, DIY and interior from her very stylish, vintage filled home.
I'm going to leave you with those choice pics and accounts to check out for now, I'll post some other recently 'spotted on the web' images again soon. Keep on sharing and connecting over on Instagram, it's always lovely to hear from you, any questions about ordering, sizes etc just jump into my DM's or contact me via the website (I'm never on Facebook these days). Bye for now, Kate x